Nutrition Classes

Group Video Visit Nutrition Class Offerings


Michigan Medicine patients: register for class by calling 734-615-0444 (please call Monday-Friday between 8:30am-4pm)

Non-Michigan Medicine patients: call registration to obtain a medical record number (MRN): 734-615-9931. Once an MRN is obtained, call 734-615-0444 to register.

All classes are video visits through the Patient Portal using the Zoom platform.

All courses are single-course offerings, unless noted with an asterisk (*) next to the course title. 

Our insurance billing guidelines allow patients to only sign up for one class per day, but they are allowed to sign up for as many classes as they wish to in a week, month or year, as well as for multi-session classes.  Patients may retake a single or multi session class as many times as needed.

Class Cost: A nutrition visit with a registered dietitian is a covered service for ~95% of patients. For the ~5% of patients whose insurance may not cover the charge, the out of pocket cost will be $14-$22. If a bill is received, it is most likely an error or due to a deductible issue. In this case, the patient should contact us to be referred to the Nutrition Supervisor, who will review the issue.

Adult Classes

All courses are instructed by Registered Dietitian Nutritionists
Target audience: registration is for patients 18+ years of age. (all classes are 30 minutes unless otherwise noted)

Building Better Bones

Osteopenia/Osteoporosis management via nutrition, exercise and prescribed medications, as well as which nutrients to eat, and in what quantities.

Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes

For our Diabetes Courses specifically, a doctor referral is needed to attend classes. For more information on any of the Diabetes courses including class cost and registration, please call 734-998-2475. Various instructors or Diabetes Education Program staff lead the courses. Series of three classes meeting once a week virtually.

Figuring Out Fats

Different types of fats and the benefits of eating healthy fats.

Gestational Diabetes

For our Diabetes Courses specifically, a doctor referral is needed to attend classes. For more information on any of the Diabetes courses including class cost and registration, please call 734-998-2475. Various instructors or Diabetes Education Program staff lead the courses. A one time class offered weekly. Follow up communication will occur between educator and patient until delivery.

Gout Friendly Diet

Low-purine diet, including foods recommended and foods not recommended. Additional dietary and lifestyle recommendations to decrease risk of gout attack. Sample menus and meal planning for gout-friendly diet.

Healthy Eating, Healthy Weight

Healthy eating strategies that don’t involve diets or gimmicks, and how to achieve weight loss while following your usual diet.

Healthy Eating, Healthy Weight CHECK IN

1) Checking in with the Registered Dietitian on successes and struggles. 2) Continued focus on building healthy eating habits. 3) Group discussion on any weight loss topic the class requests (such as journal review, holiday strategies, emotional eating, exercise and weight loss, barriers to weight loss, weight loss through the life span, travel strategies. overcoming plateau, basic accountability, healthy eating, menu planning and meal prepping, grocery shopping strategies, mindful eating, meal timing, weight loss progress, fad diets and why they don’t work). **you must attend the "Healthy Eating, Healthy Weight" class once prior to signing up for the check in class.

Healthy Habits

12 healthy lifestyle habits, and how to get started by picking 1-2 habits to work on.

*Healthy Tips for Cancer Survivors (Eight Session Course)

Eight sessions on nutrition and Cancer survivorship and easy-to-implement lifestyle factors to promote optimal wellness and disease prevention.

Inflammation and Chronic Pain Overview

Overview of all arthritis nutrition classes: Inflammation, gut health, and muscular-skeletal health.

Lowering the Pressure: Managing Hypertension with Lifestyle

Classes taught by cardiology RDNs (accepting primary care and cardiology hypertension referrals). 2 class Virtual series.

Macronutrients for the Aging Adult: Protein, Muscles, Bones

Learn how aging and arthritis can affect bones and muscle strength and affect mobility and independence. Review research for protein requirements in aging adults and why this is so important to the muscular-skeletal system.

Mediterranean Diet

Health benefits of the Mediterranean-Style Eating Pattern, including types of foods, meal planning tips and recipes.

Mindless Eating

Common triggers for mindless eating, and discovering non-food related strategies to overcome them.

Nutrition and Inflammation

1) Identify foods known to increase arthritis symptoms and disease progression 2) Learn foods known to reduce inflammation and improve symptoms, plus discussion on supplements and evidence-based findings. Good for Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and other inflammatory arthritis patients.

Nutrition and PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)

Lifestyle changes aimed at stabilizing blood sugar, including balanced intake of whole foods that are high in plant based fiber. Promoting anti-inflammatory properties.

Nutrition for Better Gut Health

Learn about the link between joint health and gut health, where we stand with research and what we can do? A discussion of current evidence and a summary. Learn what nutrients and other lifestyle habits are significant for impacting gut health.

Plant Based Eating: Fundamentals

Fundamentals of plant-based eating. Creating a nutritionally balanced plant-based eating pattern including nutrients of interest. Discussion around plant-based food products and resources.

Plant Based Eating: Adding Beans to your Diet

An overview of legumes as a plant based staple. Learning nutrition benefits, cooking methods, and add legumes into your diet.

Plant Based Eating: Adding Soy to your Diet

An overview of soy as a plant based staple. Learning nutrition benefits, how to cook and healthfully add soy to the diet.

Plate It Up

Planning healthful and delicious meals based on the Plate Method. Getting tips on increasing flavor, choosing quality convenience foods, and optimizing your health through food.


The definition of prediabetes and what your lab values mean. Strategies to improve your blood sugar by balancing diet. Participants setting a goal based on presentation content. Meets weekly with various times and days. Instructors: all primary care RDNs

Prediabetes Support Group

This is a support group for participants who have attended the Prediabetes Class. Group discussions will include, but are not limited to topics such as macronutrients, food tracking, meal planning, dining out, stress eating and food demos. Meets weekly.

Reducing Added Sugars

Recommended amounts of added sugars. Identifying and reading labels for added sugars. Tips for reducing daily intake of added sugars.

Tackling Obstacles to Weight Loss

Identifying your obstacles to weight loss. Goal setting to help establish new habits.

Type 1 Diabetes: Living with Diabetes

For our Diabetes Courses specifically, a doctor referral is needed to attend classes. For more information on any of the Diabetes courses including class cost and registration, please call 734-998-2475. Various instructors or Diabetes Education Program staff lead the courses.

Type 2 Diabetes: Living with Diabetes

For our Diabetes Courses specifically, a doctor referral is needed to attend classes. For more information on any of the Diabetes courses including class cost and registration, please call 734-998-2475. Various instructors or Diabetes Education Program staff lead the courses. Series of four classes meeting once a week.

Family Course Offerings

All courses are instructed by Registered Dietitian Nutritionists
Target audience: registration is for patients of any age (all classes are 30 minutes unless otherwise noted)

Healthy Habits

12 healthy lifestyle habits, and how to get started by picking 1-2 habits to work on.

Prenatal Nutrition: Nourishing Mom and Baby

Balancing nutrition during all trimesters to keep mom healthy and fuel baby growth and understanding key nutrients: folate, iron, calcium and healthy fats, and practicing food safety.

Quick & Healthy Meal Prep

Shortcuts to save time cooking at home. Redefinig "convenience foods" as healthy options. Preparing delicious, quick & healthy homecooked meals.

Pediatric Course Offerings

All courses are instructed by Registered Dietitian Nutritionists
Target audience: registration is for patients 0-18 years of age. Patient and/or caregiver may attend for the registered patient. (all classes are 30 minutes unless otherwise noted)

Fantastic Fats and Where to Find Them

Why fat is important for our health, and incorporating healthy fats into recipes for the whole family.

Feeding Your 0-2 year old

Normal progression from breastmilk/formula to solid foods, signs of readiness for solids, traditional purees versus baby-led weaning, and setting up a healthy environment. Target audience: Parents/caregivers of babies ages 3 months and older.

Food Talk: Helping Kids Build Positive Relationships with Food

Building a healthy relationship between food and your body, decreasing stress during mealtimes, and encouraging joyful exploration of new food. Targeted audience: parents/cargivers.

High Calorie Nutrition to Help your 1-10 Year-Old Grow and Gain

High calorie tips & tricks to help your child gain weight, including suggestions for high calorie meals, snacks, & oral supplements that increase calories without impacting volume of food eaten.

Introducing Allergy Foods to Infants

Up-to-date information on when and how to introduce top allergenic foods, and understanding signs and symptoms of allergic reactions.

Iron-Rich Foods for Your Growing Child

Importance of dietary iron intake in a child's development 2) Ways to incorporate iron rich food into your child’s diet.

*Picky Eaters Anonymous

Two-session group. Behavioral eating techniques for picky eaters ages 18 months -10 years old, with a focus on healthy eating behaviors at the table, and recipes for parents/caregivers to try.

To Blend or Not to Blend: An Introduction to Blended Tube Feedings

Whether blended tube feedings are right for your child, outlining equipment needed, general transition to blended foods, and how to balance the nutrients.