Directions to University Hospital South - Floor 4:
Parking for University Hospital South is in Parking Structure P2/P3. Remember the level on which you parked.
From P2 Parking - Take the P2 elevator to Floor 1
- Exit the elevator and enter the Taubman Center
- Take Taubman Elevator 5 to Floor 2
- Follow the overhead signs toward UH South, Elevator 9
From P3 Parking - Take the P3 elevator to Floor 2
- Exit the elevator and enter the Taubman Center
- Follow the overhead signs toward UH South, Elevator 9
*Detailed directions to services located on Floor 4 of UH South are listed below. Look for signage to assist you in finding your location.
Medical Short Stay Unit (MSSU) - Blue
- On Floor 2, follow signs towards Elevator 9
- Take Elevator 9 up to Floor 4
- Exit Elevator 9 on Floor 4