

Vinpocetine is a chemical substance synthesized from vincamine, a natural constituent found in the leaves of Vinca minor (lesser periwinkle).

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This supplement has been used in connection with the following health conditions:

Used forWhy
2 Stars
Age-Related Cognitive Decline
30 to 60 mg daily
Vinpocetine has been shown to improve dementia symptoms in patients with various brain diseases.

A double-blind trial found both 30 mg and 60 mg per day of improved symptoms of dementia in patients with various brain diseases. Another double-blind trial gave 30 mg per day of vinpocetine for one month, followed by 15 mg per day for an additional two months, to people with dementia associated with hardening of the arteries of the brain, and significant improvement in several measures of memory and other cognitive functions was reported. Other double-blind trials have reported similar effects of vinpocetine in people with some types of dementia or age-related cognitive decline. However, a study of Alzheimer patients in the United States found vinpocetine given in increasing amounts from 30 mg to 60 mg per day over the course of a year neither reversed nor slowed the decline in brain function measured by a number of different tests.

2 Stars
30 to 60 mg per day taken with food
Vinpocetine injections have been reported to improve some measures of brain function in stroke patients and to reduce some of the brain function loss that typically follows a stroke.

given by intravenous injection has been reported to improve some biochemical measures of brain function in stroke patients. A controlled trial found intravenous vinpocetine given within 72 hours of a stroke reduced some of the losses in brain function that typically follow a stroke. However, the reliability of human stroke research using vinpocetine has been questioned, and more double-blind trials are needed. No studies using oral vinpocetine for treating acute strokes have been published.

2 Stars
Urinary Incontinence (urge incontinence )
5 mg three times daily for two weeks, then 10 mg three times daily for two weeks
In a small, preliminary study, some men and women with urge incontinence reported reduced symptoms and also improved in laboratory measures of bladder muscle control when supplementing with vinpocetine.
Vinpocetine is a semisynthetic derivative of vincamine, one of the major active compounds found in periwinkle. In a small, preliminary study, men and women with urge incontinence were given 5 mg of vinpocetine three times daily for two weeks, then 10 mg three times daily for an additional two weeks. About half of the subjects reported reduced symptoms of urge incontinence and also improved in laboratory measures of bladder muscle control. However, a small, double-blind trial found improvement in only one of several measures of urge incontinence. More double blind trials are needed to confirm these findings.
2 Stars
15 mg daily
Supplementing with vinpocetine has been shown to ease symptoms.

A preliminary trial showed that 15 mg per day of had a moderate or greater effect on reducing the signs and symptoms of vertigo in 77% of patients with this condition. Other preliminary reports exist describing benefits of vinpocetine for vertigo and other symptoms of inner ear disorders, but controlled research is needed to evaluate these claims.

1 Star
Refer to label instructions
Preliminary studies have reported improved vision in people with various diseases of the retina who took vinpocetine.

Preliminary studies have reported improved vision in people with various diseases of the retina who took 45 mg per day of .

Information about Vinpocetine

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