Tea Tree


Botanical names:
Melaleuca alternifolia

Parts Used & Where Grown

The tea tree grows in Australia and Asia. This tall evergreen tree has a white, spongy bark. The oil from the leaves is used medicinally.

What Are Star Ratings?

This supplement has been used in connection with the following health conditions:

Used forWhy
3 Stars
Acne Vulgaris
Apply 5% oil twice per day
Although tea tree oil is slower and less potent than benzoyl peroxide, it has been shown to improve acne with far fewer side effects.

A clinical trial compared the topical use of 5% to 5% benzoyl peroxide for common acne. Although the tea tree oil was slower and less potent in its action, it had far fewer side effects and was thus considered more effective overall.The effectiveness of tea tree oil was confirmed in a six-week double-blind trial. In that study, participants applied a 5% tea tree oil gel to the affected area twice a day for 20 minutes and then washed it off with tap water.

2 Stars
Athlete’s Foot
Apply a 10% cream twice per day
Tea tree oil has been traditionally used to treat athlete’s foot and has been shown to reduce athlete’s foot symptoms just as effectively as drugs and better than placebo.

oil has been traditionally used to treat athlete’s foot. One trial reported that application of a 10% tea tree oil cream reduced symptoms of athlete’s foot just as effectively as drugs and better than placebo, although it did not eliminate the fungus.

2 Stars
Yeast Infection
Swish 15 ml of a 5% or less solution in mouth for 30 to 60 seconds four times per day, then spit out
One trial found that a mouthwash with diluted tea tree oil was effective in decreasing the growth of Candida albicans in people with oral Candida infections (thrush).

A small, preliminary trial found that a mouthwash with diluted was effective in decreasing the growth of Candida albicans and in improving symptoms in AIDS patients with oral Candida infections (thrush) that had not responded to drug therapy. People in the study took 15 ml of the oral solution (dilution of tea tree oil was not given) four times per day and were instructed to swish it in their mouth for 30 to 60 seconds and then spit it out. For use of tea tree oil as a mouthwash, one should not exceed a 5% dilution and should be extremely careful not to swallow the solution.

1 Star
Refer to label instructions
Volatile oils made from tea tree have antibacterial properties and may be effective in mouthwash or toothpaste form.

The potent effects of some commercial mouthwashes may be due to the inclusion of thymol (from thyme) and eukalyptol (from eucalyptus)—volatile oils that have proven activity against bacteria. One report showed bacterial counts plummet in as little as 30 seconds following a mouthrinse with the commercial mouthwash Listerine™, which contains thymol and eukalyptol. Thymol alone has been shown in research to inhibit the growth of bacteria found in the mouth. Because of their antibacterial properties, other volatile oils made from , clove, caraway, peppermint, and sage, as well as the herbs myrrh and bloodroot, might be considered in a mouthwash or toothpaste. Due to potential allergic reactions and potential side effects if some of these oils are swallowed, it is best to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before pursuing self-treatment with volatile oils that are not in approved over-the-counter products for halitosis.

1 Star
Head Lice
Apply shampoo to hair and leave on for one hour before washing out
An herbal shampoo containing a standardized extract of paw paw, thyme oil, and tea tree oil has been found to be effective in treating head lice.
An herbal shampoo (Paw Paw Lice Remover Shampoo) containing a standardized extract of paw paw (Asimina triloba), thyme oil, and tee tree oil was found to be toxic to head lice in test tube studies, after which uncontrolled trials were carried out in 13 families. The shampoo was applied to the dry hair and left on for one hour before washing out and combing with a fine-toothed comb; this was repeated eight and sixteen days later, after which 100% of the 37 participants were free of lice.
1 Star
HIV and AIDS Support
Refer to label instructions
A 5% solution of tea tree oil has been shown to eliminate oral thrush in people with AIDS, according to one trial.

A 5% solution of has been shown to eliminate oral thrush in people with AIDS, according to one preliminary trial. The volunteers in the study swished 15 ml of the solution in their mouths four times per day and then spit it out. This may cause mild burning for a short period of time after use.

1 Star
Refer to label instructions
Tea tree is an herb that directly attack microbes.

Herbs that directly attack microbes include the following: chaparral, eucalyptus, garlic, green tea, lemon balm (antiviral), lomatium, myrrh, olive leaf, onion, oregano, pau d’arco (antifungal), rosemary, sage, sandalwood, St. John’s wort, , thyme, and usnea.

1 Star
Refer to label instructions
Topically applied tea tree oil has been used successfully as a topical treatment for Trichomonas, Candida albicans, and other vaginal infections.

Topically applied oil has been studied and used successfully as a topical treatment for Trichomonas,Candida albicans, and other vaginal infections. Tea tree oil must be diluted when used as a vaginal douche, and should only be used for this purpose under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner. Some physicians suggest using tea tree oil by mixing the full-strength oil with vitamin E oil in the proportion of 1/3 tea tree oil to 2/3 vitamin E oil. A tampon is saturated with this mixture or the mixture is put in a capsule to be inserted in the vagina each day for a maximum of six weeks.

1 Star
Wound Healing
Refer to label instructions
Tea tree oil may be applied topically to skin wounds, although it is not recommended for burns.

Australian Aboriginals used the leaves of tea tree to treat cuts and skin infections, crushing and applying them to the affected area. Modern herbalists recommend (at a strength of 70–100%) applied moderately in small areas at least twice per day to the affected areas of skin. For a variety of reasons, some researchers have suggested that tea tree oil should not be used to treat burns.

Traditional Use (May Not Be Supported by Scientific Studies)

Australian Aborigines used the leaves to treat cuts and skin infections. They would crush the leaves and apply them to the affected area. Captain James Cook and his crew named the tree “tea tree,” using its leaves as a substitute for tea as well as to flavor beer. Australian soldiers participating in World War I were given tea tree oil as a disinfectant, leading to a high demand for its production.

Information about Tea Tree

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