Calcium Acetate

Drug Information

Calcium acetate is used to prevent high phosphorus blood levels in people with kidney failure.

Common brand names:

Calphron, PhosLo

Summary of Interactions with Vitamins, Herbs, & Foods

Types of interactions:BeneficialAdverseCheck

Replenish Depleted Nutrients

  • none

Reduce Side Effects

  • none

Support Medicine

  • none

Reduces Effectiveness

  • none

Potential Negative Interaction

  • Calcium

    People with kidney failure may develop high blood levels of calcium while taking calcium acetate. Since calcium acetate is a source of supplemental calcium, people taking the drug should avoid taking additional calcium supplements. People experiencing adverse effects of high blood calcium—such as loss of appetite, mental depression, poor memory, and muscle weakness—should notify their healthcare practitioner.

  • Magnesium

    Calcium-containing antacids, when taken together with calcium acetate, may result in abnormally high blood levels of calcium. Consequently, people taking calcium acetate should avoid taking calcium-containing antacids.

Explanation Required

  • Zinc

    People with renal failure or on hemodialysis often have low blood levels of zinc, which may produce symptoms such as abnormal taste or smell, reduced sexual functions, and poor immunity. One controlled study showed that taking zinc at the same time as calcium acetate reduces absorption of zinc. Therefore, people should avoid taking calcium acetate and zinc supplements together. Another controlled study revealed that neither short-term nor long-term treatment with calcium acetate results in reduced blood zinc levels. Thus, while calcium acetate reduces the amount of zinc absorbed from supplements, long-term treatment with the drug does not appear to affect overall zinc status. However, people with renal failure who experience symptoms of zinc deficiency might benefit from supplementing with zinc, regardless of whether or not they take calcium acetate.

The Drug-Nutrient Interactions table may not include every possible interaction. Taking medicines with meals, on an empty stomach, or with alcohol may influence their effects. For details, refer to the manufacturers’ package information as these are not covered in this table. If you take medications, always discuss the potential risks and benefits of adding a new supplement with your doctor or pharmacist.

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