At the center for sexual health, located at the East Ann Arbor Health Center, we are dedicated to advancing sexual health through treatment, community education, training and research. The center, part of the University of Michigan Department of Social Work, is staffed by Certified Sex Therapists who are mental health professionals specializing in the treatment of sexual difficulties. Therapists work in close consultation with U-M nurses and physicians to offer integrated clinical care. The center and its therapists are committed to providing sensitive and competent care that is respectful of people's cultural and religious values as well as their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity. At the center for sexual health, the following services are offered:
Clinical Care:
- Evaluation and treatment recommendations for sexual difficulties
- Sexual health counseling for individuals and couples
- Short term or ongoing sex therapy
- Referral for medical evaluation if needed
- Specialized program for patients with prostate cancer and their partners
- Individual or couples counseling about fertility concerns
- Coordination of care with other health care providers
- Linking patients with medical and psychosocial resources
- Community education
- Training for medical and mental health professionals
- Studies furthering the understanding of sexual health conditions and treatment interventions
- Sexual health database research project
Sexual Health
Sexual difficulties may be life-long or begin in response to a life event like an illness, medical treatment, or change in relationship. Sometimes, things like job stress, moving, or retiring can cause changes in sexual functioning. Sex therapy is a form of outpatient counseling. The sex therapist is trained to evaluate and treat many kinds of sexual problems and relationship problems that often develop at the same time as a sexual problem. Common sexual concerns include:
- Absent or low sexual desire
- Painful sex
- Difficulties with erection or ejaculation
- Inability to have an orgasm
- Sexual problems associated with an illness, accident or medical treatment
Possible causes of sexual difficulties and changes include:
- Relationship difficulties
- Medical illness or treatments
- Major life stressors
- Hormonal changes
- Health problems
- Anxiety or depression