Contact Us
- Adult Patients Referrals/Information: (734) 763-4003
- Pediatric Patients Referrals/Information: (734) 936-7070
- For General Inquiries, email:
- Students please email us:
All ACUs (locations) should contact the Therapies Call Center at 734-936-7070
Exception: UH Speech-Language Pathology, MH Pediatric Speech-Language Pathology at 734-763-4003
Graduate Students
The Speech-Language Pathology Department also accepts requests from current graduate students for a one-day, three-hour clinical observation.Pediatric and adult observations are available. Please contact Samantha Kliman , the Student Observation Coordinator: to request an observation. to request an observation.
Research & Education
Educational Topics
- Adult Dysphagia: Assessment and Treatment
- Overview of Communication and Swallowing Disorders
- Aphasia, Apraxia and Dysarthria: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
- Augmentative/Alternative Communication for children with non-functional speech
- production
- Augmentative/Alternative Communication for patients with Degenerative Speech
- Disorders
- Cognitive-Communicative Disorders
- Communication Disorders in Patient with Acquired Brain Injury
- Laryngectomy Rehabilitation
- Learning Strategies for Children with Brain Injury
- Managing Tracheostomy Tubes to Enhance Speech Production
- Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement: Assessment and Treatment
- Pediatric Dysphagia: Assessment and Treatment
- Swallowing Rehabilitation following head/neck cancer surgery
- Typical Speech, Language and Swallowing Development in Children
- Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Assessment and Management
- Voice Disorders: Assessment and Treatment
To schedule an in-service or educational presentation, please email:
Clinical Research
Speech-Language Pathologists at Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan, are involved in a variety of research projects designed to improve understanding of communication and swallowing disorders and their treatment. Current projects include:
Karen Kluin
- Functional brain mapping & language: Communication outcomes in patients with refractory epilepsy & brain tumors.
- Communication outcomes in patients with Parkinson’s disese & essential tremor following deep brain stimulatory (DBS) surgery.
- Motor speech & language disorders in patients with neurodegenerative diseases (such as PPA, PPAOS, SCA, MSA, PSP, CBS, ALS).
Margaret Tiner
- Prosthesis guided speech rehabilitation of T1/T2 cancers of the tongue (PGSRT): a randomized clinical trial.
- Pilot study on high resolution 3D digital scanning for maxillofacial prosthetics for feasibility and efficacy.
- Lip Augmentation for Restoration of Lip Competence-Case Study.
External Resources
- American Cancer Society Homepage
- American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
- American Speech-Language Hearing Association
- Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living (AACIL)
- Autism Society of Michigan
- Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
- Brian Injury Association of Michigan
- Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Cleft Palate Foundation
- Michigan Speech Language Hearing Association
- National Spinal Cord Injury Association
- National Stroke Association
- Think First - National Injury Prevention Foundation
- Webwhispers Nu-Voice Club
- Your Child: Development & Behavior Resources, A Guide to Information & Support for Parents