Diabetes Remote Management/Monitoring

Glooko is a diabetes care management application that syncs patient data from meters, insulin pumps or pens, CGM, food apps, activity tracker and blood pressure devices so that patients can see all their data in one place.

Glooko also is connected to Michigan Medicine systems, so providers and care teams can access the data any time*. We can then create customized diabetes treatment plans during clinic visits and virtual appointments and increase the number of patients we can treat.

Michigan Medicine encourages diabetes patients to download and use Glooko. Detailed instructions are available below, and clinic teams are happy to help with any questions.

Glooko is compatible with with 95% of diabetes devices. Most patients will not have to switch or buy new devices. Patients can continue to use their preferred tools and keep current diabetes management habits after creating a Glooko account.

Download the directions below and visit join.glooko.com to set up an account, and please contact the clinic or your provider with any questions.

Creating Your Glooko Account

*Please note that Michigan Medicine does not take real-time action on patient data in Glooko – it is intended for overall monitoring and discussions during scheduled conversations. Patients are responsible for contacting their provider or visiting the emergency department if they notice changes or experience an emergency.