UConnect Study

The UConnect Study is a Michigan Medicine research project in collaboration with the Department of Pediatrics that is aimed at helping adolescents improve their health and wellbeing, including addressing the impacts of alcohol use.

Before you can start participating in the study, we will need to make sure you qualify. If you’re interested in participating, scan the QR code below or email [email protected] to connect with the study team.

QR code for UConnect

For non-emergency situations: If you have any questions or concerns about your participation, please feel free to email us at [email protected] during regular business hours. We will try to respond promptly; however, we are not monitoring this 24/7 and therefore cannot guarantee a response time.

In case of emergency, please contact 911 or go to your local emergency room.

What will my participation look like?

If you are eligible to participate, participation will last around 12 months. You will first be asked to complete an online survey. Then our study team will provide instructions on how complete an interactive web-based program. This activity will take about 35 minutes. You may also receive text messages for 8 weeks. At 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months, you will be asked to take another survey.

What might I get out of participation?

Although not everyone in our study will benefit from participation, you may find completing the surveys, doing the interactive program, and/or receiving text messages to be helpful. You will also be compensated up to $230 across the study period.

How will my information be kept secured and confidential?

If you choose to participate in the UConnect study, your information and participation will be kept confidential and secure. Information collected about you in this study (e.g., survey answers) will not be directly tied to your name or address.

How do I find out if I am eligible to participate?

To find out whether you qualify to participate, you will be asked to answer a few brief questions. You can access and complete this brief survey by contacting the research team.

For a full list of resources on housing, employment help and more, view our brochure.