Infectious Disease Clinic at Taubman Center



The Division of Infectious Diseases provides outpatient consultation and/or continuing care for patients with infectious disease conditions, such as:

  • Acquired or hereditary immunodeficiency syndromes (including granulocyte, lymphocyte and complement deficiency states)
  • AIDS and HIV infection
  • Antibiotic-associated colitis
  • Chronic refractory infections
  • Complicated fungal infections
  • Drug-resistant infections
  • Fever of unknown origin
  • Immunizations and overseas travel concerns
  • Severe infections of any type

For all patients with bacterial or fungal infections, laboratory tests for evaluation of antibiotic and antifungal therapy are available, as are tests of inhibitory and bactericidal serum antimicrobial activity. Immunizations and advice for overseas travelers as well as routine immunizations also are provided through The Travel and Immunization Clinic.The HIV/AIDS Treatment Program offers both primary and specialized care to HIV-Positive individuals. We often test new drugs and treatments, and may select patients to participate in this research.

Overseas Travel

The Travel and Immunizations Clinic primarily serves individuals who are planning travel to areas that have special health-related risks. Services include immunizations as required for certain foreign and domestic destinations, preventive treatment for travel to locations where there is risk of malaria or traveler's diarrhea, specific treatment for motion or altitude sickness, advice concerning additional preventive health measures while abroad, and sources of medical care at destinations.

Consultations include a review of both travel itineraries and medical history to assure that any vaccinations or medications used are necessary and safe. Internationally recognized Certificates of Vaccination are issued as needed for travel to countries that require proof of immunization for entry.

HIV/AIDS Treatment

The HIV/AIDS Clinic offers a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Our staff includes a nationally recognized medical director, physicians, nurses, social workers, a nutritionist, and the availability of dental services. We provide a primary medical care approach to treatment. We participate in both multi-center and on-site research programs for patients who would like to participate in clinical trials (research). We offer mental health counseling, substance abuse counseling, HIV testing and counseling and support groups. Appointments are available five days each week at the Taubman Health Care Center.


Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.