The Collaborative Wheelchair clinic is staffed by an interdisciplinary team, including a PM&R Physician, Physical Therapist, and Rehab Technology/Assistive Technology Supplier. They will complete a comprehensive wheelchair evaluation, make recommendations, and assist with ordering equipment that will optimize function, skin integrity and postural alignment, as well as provide wheelchair training as needed. Verification of insurance coverage will be completed prior to the appointment and a quotation of cost will be given as needed. This clinic will meet Medicare guidelines which now require the patient to have a face to face visit with a physician upon which the patient's mobility and seating needs are evaluated, discussed and documented within the physician's progress notes.
Other potential services provided by this clinic may include pressure mapping, custom molded seating, trial of various power seating systems and alternative drive mechanism. Supplemental assistive and adaptive technologies may also be recommended upon a thorough evaluation. The team will continue to follow the patient through the delivery process and they will provide long-term support and service for any equipment that is provided through this clinic.