Multimedia: Most recent

Ryan Cliff Video Spotlight

During his senior year, Ryan Cliff stepped out onto the soccer field to start for the first time. Once Ryan experienced pain and trouble breathing, he was taken away in an ambulance to later be diagnosed with Arrythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopat

Medicine Needs Victors: The University of Michigan Health System campaign video

Medicine Needs Victors: A video featuring many UMHS patients, and medical & science professionals, who together embody what makes the U-M Health System so unique.

DBS as a Treatment for Movement Disorders

Movement disorders are neurological conditions that cause abnormal movements. Two of the most common movement disorders are Parkinson's disease and essential tremor. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical procedure where electrodes are placed in the brain and then connected to a pacemaker-like device in the chest. When the stimulation is turned on, it can help the symptoms of both Parkinson's disease and essential tremor. Patients are candidates for DBS when their medications don't work well to control tremor.

University of Michigan treats two ALS patients with intraspinal stem cell transplants

Dr. Eva Feldman explains the new Phase II clinical trial, and the U-M trial team conducts the first operation to inject stem cells into an ALS patient's spine.
