Burns and Electric Shock
Briefly discusses common causes of burns, such as heat, chemicals, and friction, and the seriousness of burn depth and size. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
Briefly discusses common causes of burns, such as heat, chemicals, and friction, and the seriousness of burn depth and size. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
Some common burn patterns and common areas for burns that result from abuse include: Circular burns that are the size and shape of the end of a cigarette or cigar. Burns on the bottom of the feet. Burns that look like gloves (on the hands), socks (on the feet), or a large circle on the buttocks. These come from putting...
Briefly discusses causes of burns, including chemicals, UV light, hot steam, and flash fires. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
Briefly discusses causes of burns, including chemicals, UV light, hot steam, and flash fires. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
Burosumab is a monoclonal antibody that targets and blocks the activity of a blood protein called FGF23. In a genetic condition called X-linked hypophosphatemia (HYE-poe-fos-fa-TEEM-ee-a), low phosphate levels in blood are caused by abnormally high levels of FGF23 protein, which causes the kidneys to stop reabsorbing...
For low phosphate levels. Brand Name(s): Crysvita.
(bur oh' sue mab)
Burow's solution (5% aluminum subacetate) is a liquid made with water and aluminum acetate. This solution relieves the itching and stinging of irritated, inflamed skin and helps stop the growth of bacteria and fungus. Burow's solution is available without a prescription in many drugstores and supermarkets.
A baby may be uncomfortable after feedings if he or she has swallowed air during the feeding. Burping helps get rid of air that the baby has swallowed. Burp a breastfeeding baby when you switch breasts during feeding. Burp a baby who is bottle-feeding after each 1 fl oz (30 mL) to 2 fl oz (60 mL) of fluid. Burp the baby...
A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that cushions and lubricates areas of the body where friction is likely to occur, such as the area between two bones, a tendon or ligament and a bone, or bone and skin.
Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa. A bursa is a small sac of fluid that cushions and lubricates an area where tissues—including bone, tendon, ligament, muscle, or skin—rub against one another. Bursae are located throughout the body, in and on joints and other places that are at risk of rubbing or pressure. Bursitis...
What is bursitis? Bursitis is a painful swelling of a small sac of fluid called a bursa. Bursae (plural of bursa) cushion and lubricate areas where tendons, ligaments, skin, muscles, or bones rub against each other. Doing the same movement over and over or putting continued pressure on a joint can cause bursitis. What...
Shoulder joint soreness and swelling may be caused by bursitis, an arthritis-like condition. According to research or other evidence, the following self-care steps may be helpful. Uncover the cause Work with a knowledgeable health professional to find out what is causing your bursitis and to determine effective treatments.
Primary Remedies Arnica montana. This remedy is especially useful when bursitis is related to traumatic injury or strain. The affected area feels bruised and sore, and the person tries to avoid being touched, because of pain. . Other Remedies Belladonna. Bursitis with a sensation of heat and throbbing, along with...
The olecranon bursa is found between the point of the elbow and the skin. Bursitis here causes pain over the point and back of the elbow. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that cushions and lubricates areas of the body where friction is likely to occur. Examples of such areas include between two bones, between a tendon or...
Bursitis of the hip is inflammation of one or both of the bursae (plural of bursa) found between the hip bone and the muscles on the outside of the hip. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that cushions and lubricates areas of the body where friction is likely to occur. Examples of such areas include between two bones...
Bursitis of the knee is inflammation of the bursa found between the front of the kneecap (patella) and the skin. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that cushions and lubricates areas of the body where friction is likely to occur. Examples of such areas include between two bones, between a tendon or ligament and a bone, and...
Bursitis of the shoulder is inflammation of the bursa found between the bone at the top of the shoulder (the acromion), the upper arm bone (humerus), and the tendons and muscles. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that cushions and lubricates areas of the body where friction is likely to occur. Examples of such areas include...
(byoo spye' rone)
Provides a summary of interactions with vitamins, herbs, and food
Buspirone is used to treat symptoms of anxiety, such as fear, tension, irritability, dizziness, pounding heartbeat, and other physical symptoms. Buspirone is not an anti-psychotic medication and should not be used in place of medication prescribed by your doctor for mental illness. Buspirone may also be used for...
For anxiety. Brand Name(s): Buspar. Generic Name: Buspirone.
(bue sul' fan)
Provides a summary of interactions with vitamins, herbs, and food
Busulfan oral (taken by mouth) is used to treat the symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia (a type of blood cancer). Busulfan is not a cure for leukemia. Busulfan injection is used together with a medicine called cyclophosphamide, to prepare your body to receive a stem cell transplant from a donor's bone marrow...
(bue sul' fan)
For treating cancer. Brand Name(s): Busulfex. Generic Name: Busulfan.
This medicine is used for the following purposes: blood disorder, cancer. Brand Name(s): Myleran. Generic Name: Busulfan.
(byoo ta bar' bi tal)
Provides a summary of interactions with vitamins, herbs, and food