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  1. Brace (Orthotic) Treatment for Scoliosis
  2. Bradycardia (Slow Heart Rate)
  3. Brain and Nervous System
  4. Brain Aneurysm
  5. Brandt-Daroff Exercise for Vertigo
  6. Braxton Hicks Contractions
  7. Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Eating
  8. Breast Cancer
  9. Breast Cancer in Men (Male Breast Cancer)
  10. Breast Cancer Prevention (PDQ®): Prevention - Health Professional Information [NCI]
  11. Breast Cancer Prevention (PDQ®): Prevention - Patient Information [NCI]
  12. Breast Cancer Risk: Should I Have a BRCA Gene Test?
  13. Breast Cancer Screening
  14. Breast Cancer Screening (PDQ®): Screening - Health Professional Information [NCI]
  15. Breast Cancer Screening (PDQ®): Screening - Patient Information [NCI]
  16. Breast Cancer Screening and Dense Breasts: What Are My Options?
  17. Breast Cancer Screening: When Should I Start Having Mammograms?
  18. Breast Cancer Treatment (Adult) (PDQ®): Treatment - Health Professional Information [NCI]
  19. Breast Cancer Treatment (Adult) (PDQ®): Treatment - Patient Information [NCI]
  20. Breast Cancer Treatment During Pregnancy (PDQ®): Treatment - Health Professional Information [NCI]
  21. Breast Cancer Treatment During Pregnancy (PDQ®): Treatment - Patient Information [NCI]
  22. Breast Cancer Types
  23. Breast Cancer, Metastatic or Recurrent
  24. Breast Cancer: Lymph Node Surgery for Staging Cancer
  25. Breast Cancer: Should I Have Breast Reconstruction After a Mastectomy?
  26. Breast Cancer: Should I Have Breast-Conserving Surgery or a Mastectomy?
  27. Breast Cancer: Should I Have Chemotherapy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer?
  28. Breast Cancer: What Should I Do if I'm at High Risk?
  29. Breast Changes During Pregnancy
  30. Breast Engorgement
  31. Breast Enlargement
  32. Breast Implant Surgery for Breast Reconstruction
  33. Breast Lumps
  34. Breast Pain (Mastalgia)
  35. Breast Problems
  36. Breast Reduction
  37. Breast Self-Examination
  38. Breast-Conserving Surgery for Breast Cancer
  39. Breastfeeding
  40. Breastfeeding a Sick Baby
  41. Breastfeeding After a C-Section
  42. Breastfeeding After Breast Surgery
  43. Breastfeeding and Your Milk Supply
  44. Breastfeeding as Birth Control
  45. Breastfeeding at Work
  46. Breastfeeding During Pregnancy
  47. Breastfeeding Multiple Infants
  48. Breastfeeding Positions
  49. Breastfeeding When You Have Diabetes
  50. Breastfeeding With Inverted Nipples
  51. Breastfeeding Your Newborn and an Older Child
  52. Breastfeeding: Baby's Poor Weight Gain
  53. Breastfeeding: Choosing a Breast Pump
  54. Breastfeeding: Exercise and Weight Loss
  55. Breastfeeding: How to Use a Breast Pump
  56. Breastfeeding: Planning Ahead
  57. Breastfeeding: Should I Breastfeed My Baby?
  58. Breastfeeding: Sore Nipples
  59. Breastfeeding: Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs
  60. Breastfeeding: Using Medicines Safely
  61. Breastfeeding: Waking Your Baby
  62. Breastfeeding: Weaning a Toddler
  63. Breastfeeding: When Baby Doesn't Want to Stop
  64. Breath-Holding Spells
  65. Breath-Holding Spells: Keeping a Record
  66. Breathing Exercises: Using a Manual Incentive Spirometer
  67. Breathing Problems: Using a Dry Powder Inhaler
  68. Breathing Problems: Using a Metered-Dose Inhaler
  69. Breathing Smoke or Fumes
  70. Breathing Techniques for Childbirth
  71. Breech Position and Breech Birth
  72. Broken Collarbone (Clavicle)
  73. Broken Nose (Nasal Fracture)
  74. Broken Toe
  75. Broken Tooth or Dental Appliance: First Aid
  76. Bronchiectasis
  77. Bronchiolitis
  78. Bronchitis: Should I Take Antibiotics?
  79. Brown Recluse Spider Bite
  80. Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin
  81. Brushing and Flossing a Child's Teeth
  82. Bruxism and Temporomandibular Disorders
List - B (Health Topics)