Lots of different medicines are used for ongoing ... chronic ... pain.
Some of them might surprise you ...
like medicines that are usually used for seizures or depression ...
but they can be very effective pain treatments.
Often, a combination of medicines will work best.
So, many people take a daily medicine to control or limit pain and have a fast-acting pain reliever on hand to use when they need more help.
Now, it may take time to find the right medicines and right doses to ease your pain ...
So good communication with your doctor is really important.
Because a doctor can prescribe medicine, but only you know how it makes you feel.
So let your doctor know if your medicine isn't helping ...
And tell your doctor if you have any problems with your medicines ...
like an upset stomach, dizziness, or nausea.
To keep your chance of problems low ...
be sure your doctor knows about all the medicines you take ...
including any over-the-counter medicines and natural health products.
Make a list of everything you take ... or put all your pill bottles in a bag ...
and show them to your doctor at each visit.
And check with your doctor or pharmacist before you take any new medicine.
Even something that may seem harmless ...
like an over-the-counter treatment for colds ...
could cause a serious problem, like a bad interaction or overdose.
You'll get the most help from your medicines if you take them exactly as prescribed ...
so don't skip doses, and don't wait until the pain gets bad.
And remember ... medicine may reduce your pain and allow you to be more active ...
but it probably won't make your pain go away completely.
So ... when can you talk to your doctor about good treatment choices for you?