Sleep apnea is a problem that's often treated with CPAP, a machine that helps you breathe better while you sleep.
Lifestyle changes ... such as losing weight or avoiding alcohol before bedtime ...
may also help some people with sleep apnea.
And if you have mild sleep apnea, you may be able to treat it just by making lifestyle changes.
To use CPAP, you wear a mask while you sleep.
The mask attaches to the machine with a tube.
The machine gently blows air through the tube and into your airway.
This gentle air pressure helps to keep your airway open ...
so you get the oxygen you need.
CPAP and lifestyle changes are usually the best treatments for sleep apnea.
But if they don't work well for you, your doctor may recommend other ways to treat it ...
such as a device that fits inside the mouth during sleep.
It pushes your tongue and jaw forward slightly, which makes the airway bigger ...
so you can breathe better.
If you have tissues that are larger than normal, and they are blocking your airway, your doctor may recommend surgery to open the airway.
But surgery for sleep apnea isn't done very often.
You can work with your doctor to find the best treatment for you ...
so you can feel more rested each day ... and get the sleep your body needs.