You've had a heart attack. A heart attack.
It's probably not what you thought you'd be dealing with.
After a heart attack, it's normal to worry about your future.
One of the best things you can do to protect that future is to take all your medicines as prescribed.
You're probably taking several pills every day ... and they're all important ...
but I want to talk to you about one in particular ... your statin pill.
If you were taking a statin before your heart attack, you already know about statins and how they help lower the risk of a heart attack.
But even if you weren't taking a statin before, you need to take one now.
You see, after a heart attack, your risk of having another one goes up.
So protecting your future means doing all you can to lower your risk.
Your statin pill is an important part of that ...
because statins have been proven to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Now, taking a statin doesn't guarantee that you won't have another heart attack ... but it sure helps.
Most people are eager to get back to normal ...
and stay healthy ... after a heart attack.
And the key is making healthy lifestyle choices ... like getting regular exercise ...
and taking your medicines, including that statin pill.