When your doctor prescribes medicine, both of you have a job to do.
Your doctor's job is to prescribe the right amount of medicine and then to make sure it's working safely for you.
Your job is to take the medicine as prescribed, and also to let your doctor know if you're having any problems.
To make sure your medicine is working safely for you, you may need to get blood tests at regular times.
These may be weekly, monthly, or yearly.
How often will depend on the medicine and what your doctor suggests.
Is your medicine one that involves regular blood tests?
If you're taking common heart, blood pressure, or kidney medicines ...
the answer might be yes.
The blood test may check your kidneys ...
The kidneys affect how your body uses the medicine, so your doctor will want to watch that closely.
The blood test may also check for a safe level of potassium in your blood.
Some medicines for seizures also need a regular blood test.
The test checks that the amount of medicine in your body is safe.
For all of these medicines, it may take time and several tests to be sure you're getting the right medicine in the right amount.
Talk with your doctor to see if the medicine you're taking needs a blood test.
It's a very important way to make sure you're getting the right amount to keep you safe and healthy.