Getting a blood clot can be dangerous.
If you get one in your leg, it's called a DVT or deep vein thrombosis.
A DVT is a clot in a vein that's deep under your skin.
DVTs are most common in leg veins, but sometimes they happen in the pelvis or arms.
Now, a DVT is very serious.
Because if a clot moves from your leg and travels to your lungs, it can block a blood vessel.
That's called pulmonary embolism, and it can be deadly.
So let's look at a few things that can increase your risk of getting a DVT.
First, blood clots are more likely to form when you're not active, because your blood doesn't flow as well as it should.
So, for example, your risk for a DVT goes up when you don't use your leg muscles for a long time.
Like if you have to stay in bed because of a serious illness or you're on a plane for several hours.
Also, things that damage blood vessels, like surgery or injuries, raise your risk for DVT.
And some people are born with an increased tendency to form blood clots.
That means this problem runs in their family.
Cancer and the treatment for it may also increase the risk of blood clots.
So you can see how a blood clot can be serious.
And knowing the causes can help you lower your risk of getting one.
Be sure to see a doctor right away if you have symptoms like swelling, redness, or warmth in your leg.
That area may hurt or feel tender to the touch.
Or it may hurt when you stand or walk.
Getting treatment fast can help you avoid serious problems, like having the blood clot move to your lungs.