Babies eat ... and sleep ... and eat ... and sleep ... well, you've got the picture.
In those first weeks with your baby, you're on duty for around-the-clock feedings.
Your baby will let you know when he or she is hungry or full.
If you're breast-feeding, your baby will want to eat every 1 to 3 hours.
If you're using formula, feedings may be every 3 to 4 hours.
Now, some babies are really sleepy those first few days.
So, if your baby is a sleepyhead, try not to let more than 3 or 4 hours go by between feedings.
After about 3 weeks, your baby may not need to eat quite as often.
So unless your little one acts really hungry after waking up, you might have some time for cuddling before feeding.
Most babies start to need fewer nighttime feedings when they're about 2 months old.
So, you may be able to get a little more rest soon.
Many new moms and dads worry about whether their babies are eating enough.
If your baby wets at least 6 to 8 diapers a day and gains a little weight each week, you're doing just fine.
And remember, babies need only breast milk or formula.
Cow, goat, or soy milk won't give your baby enough nutrients.
Check with your doctor to learn when it's okay to start giving your baby other kinds of milk.
So enjoy getting to know your ... hungry ... baby.
They grow up so fast!