When you have diabetes, it's important to understand that wounds can't heal themselves as well or as quickly as they might if you didn't have diabetes.
An injury like a cut, scrape, or blister that may not seem like a big deal can quickly become a serious problem.
So you have to pay special attention to your skin, understand the signs of trouble, and get help early to keep something little from growing into a big problem.
It can be hard to tell how serious a wound is.
But if you have any signs of an infection, such as pain, swelling, warmth, redness, or pus, you need to see your doctor immediately to get the infection under control.
Talk with your doctor to make sure you understand how to follow your treatment plan.
Having diabetes can make it hard for wounds to heal.
Talk to your doctor about ways to take care of your skin.
Watching out for problems can help prevent infections and keep your skin as healthy as possible.