Many people with asthma have discovered they can have a better life by getting their symptoms under control. Listen to what they have to say...
Guest Voice 1: "After I first found out I had asthma, I wasn't so good about taking my controller medicine. But my doctor got me to try it, and it really did help a lot. Now I'm serious about taking it every day."
Guest Voice 2: "For years I coughed a lot, but I just thought, 'Oh well, it's not a big deal.' I finally mentioned it to my doctor last year, and it turned out I needed another type of asthma medicine.
Now I don't have to use my inhaler as much, and I hardly cough anymore."
Guest Voice 3: "I know my cats make my asthma flare up, but I could never get rid of them.
I started keeping them out of the bedroom and vacuuming more, and that's made a big difference." Guest Voice 4: "My asthma used to be a big worry for me. I ended up in the ER a few times because I couldn't breathe, and it was scary. Now I really try to avoid things that cause an attack. I also check my peak flow once or twice a day to see where I'm at." Guest Voice 5: "I used to think I was doing fine with my asthma. It didn't bother me all the time, so I didn't think it was a problem. After I started noticing some of my triggers and then got better about taking my medicine, I hardly ever have attacks anymore."
Let these voices of people controlling their asthma give you hope and inspire you to do all you can to keep your symptoms under control... and help you live better with asthma.